Wednesday, 27 May 2009

The SB! Guide to... well life!

First of all I must apologise for my horrific lack of posts lately, how I had the hubris to neglect the blog is unforgivable. However I thought I would take the opportunity to offer "Perry's perspective" (yes I know my name isn't Perry, but I wanted to throw a scrubs quote in there) and give you the Surprisingly Bewildered guide to life.

Regarding Life...
"the only way to be respected as a doctor and a man is to be an island, you are born alone, you damn sure die alone. isn't that right spike? the point is, and you might want to jot this down, only the weak need help" - Dr Perry Cox.

A truer word has never been spoken, man fends for himself. It is when people decide to blur the lines and interfere with other people's business (regardless of whether they need it or not) that causes conflict and tension.

Surely if man was left to fend for himself this world would be a better place? Obviously this isn't always the case and there is sometimes a need to blur the lines. However, I would prefer it if I was left to my own devices and able to do whatever I want.

Why do we feel that we need to help those who aren't actually in need, why do we waste thousands of tax payers money on council estates , supporting chavs who don't want our help and will happily 'shank' you for the aforementioned money.

Regarding Politics...
"Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong." ~Richard Armour

It's no secret that I am very right wing, I would happily be the one who refuses entry to the UK to anyone who tries to enter on the back of a lorry. There's all this talk about 'their' civil liberty, but no talk about our own. We're happy to exploit our own kind just so we look good to the rest of the world. We'll happily be Europe, nay, the rest of the world's doormat to prove how loving Britain truly is.

For too long now people have been avoiding comments like the above because of fear of the backlash they will receive. Why does this great nation happily buckle under the pressure of Europe, to show how equal and liberal we are?

Did you know it costs the UK more than six million pounds PER HOUR to be part of the EU! Why are we happily paying this much to be part of the 'cool' gang? Or perhaps we're afraid of being isolated from the rest of the world. This nation used to rule the world at one point, we went from being the 'Alpha-male' to becoming the herd of sheep we now know as Great Britain!

It's time for a change!

"Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. "


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