I feel that this is a good thing, because it has given me time to contemplate on what my passions are and, as I shall expand upon in this post, my absolute hatreds. Before I decided to go A.W.O.L I found I was either just posting randomly or posting my views on the p4's epic challenges, Surprisingly Bewildered had lost it's core values- it had become more of an extended page for the p4, there was no originality.
Admittedly this was my own fault, because I could not find the time to sit and think about good things to post, so I just posted to remain active and up to date.
I am back, but more importantly SB! is back to its good old self, back to the golden age of blogging!
I digress, the real reason I am posting today is because on my last driving lesson, myself and Blake were having our usual rantings at the problems with this country and we actually agreed on something!
We both feel that the chav race is growing at an alarming rate and something desperately needs to be done about it.
It has been concluded that the best way to cull pigeons is to set up feeding grounds for the pigeons to feed in, then when the pigeons lay their eggs, the eggs are taken and destroyed.
Using this logic then it should be easy to set up similar grounds for chavs- wkd stalls, free burberry stands are among some of my suggestions. Then when the chav girl and boys decide to become teenage parents, simply take the newborn child and give it to a more deserving family who won't call it something like Shaniqua or Sambuca.
Now before any human rights activist out there decide that this is a inhumane suggestion, just consider this....
First of all, they are chavs and therefore not actually human so human rights do not apply.
Secondly, do you really want a world full of Shaniqua's or Cookie's?
Finally, Charles Darwin's view of natural selection was hailed as a success, albeit shrouded in controversy, so surely this is just the modern world's version of natural selection...
No doubt I'll get some form of unintelligent dribble from any chavs who decide to read this, as the entire chav population collectively share 3 GCSE's in Construction they really should find a forum on the Internet where they can share their moronic gibber-jabber and leave the intelligent people in peace.