Friday 27 March 2009

Liberal Misinformation

Now as there seems to be be some sort of scheduling problem with my 'Greatest Man Alive' post (and it seems to have disappeared into thin air) I'll repost that later.

But as I have a spare few minutes before I conform to the educational systems demands, I feel a need to vent my frustration at the new 'Anti-terrorism adverts' that have been thrown all over the UK.

-This is an older one, but the message is still the same. Silly Liberals creating unnecessary panic to people who will actually believe that a terrorist lives next door to them.
The newer adverts talk about home-made bombs etc. and how "A bin full of rubbish wont make a bomb because a neighbour reported it.
In the kind of society we live in, it is inevitable that someone will report something suspicious. I guarantee that some über liberal neighbour will report the fact that Gary at number 42 has been in his house for four days which 'is suspicious'. Or that a quarraling neighbour will use this as a means to get back at the other one for a minor offence.
Or Council Estate Scum!!!
Now instead of scaring the dim-wits into thinking everyone is a terrorist, those in charge should really pull their fingers out of each others arses and think of better methods to counter terrorism.
I don't have any solutions, but a dodo could think of more effective ways of dealing with terrorists.


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