Sunday, 15 February 2009

Manuel Labour

No the above is not a typo... I do in fact mean Manuel,not manual, labour.

I am quite with my colleague over at p.d with this post, I do feel manual labour is a dead profession. Whilst I myself am a cleaner, this is obviously not my profession of choice, I didn't come out of the womb carrying a mop and a bucket. No! I am merely a cleaner becuase unfortunately they don't pay people to sit around drinking alcohol and complaining about the world (oh wait, The daily Telegraph exists...).

Also the money's not that bad...

On a serious note though, the manual labour industry is a dead business (well to British people), purely because we are prepared to do it, but we want a decent wage from it, whereas since we foolishly joined the EU, europeans seeking work are prepared to work for beans (not literally, of course - although the idea is quite funny).

Britain's biggest mistake was joining the European Union, because we lost our independance. We ruled the world at one point, we fought the Germans for freedom; and now we're being ruled by them (Europe that is).

Just to clarify though, I am not a supporter of the British National Party, as I am a strong Tory supporter, I just feel that during tough economic times like these, we need to look after 'our own' first.

Best plan of action
Leave Europe, becoming independant once more
Get the Tories in power
Sort the economy out
Sit around watching my amazing plan coming to fruition.

If all else fails, mock Brown and his blindness.

We can all have dreams can't we?..........


  1. You? A strong Tory supporter!? You've been spending waaaay to much time with Lukeus.

    Indeed, countries are crying out for apprentice carpenters and other trades; students nowadays just do not want to do that kind of work.

    Quite rightly I must say :)

  2. Dammit Lee, I thought you were alright until you said you were a Tory...
    Well, you're young... there's still hope, I guess...

  3. your obviously to young to remember the attrocities the tory government inflicted upon this once great nation, They de- nationalised every industry sold off anything they could get a few quid for and put 3 million people out of a job, now i agree that we should pull out of europe ( i think we should start a war with france}, we dont benefit from it at all, only the smaller less wealthy counties seem to do any good out of it. So lets get it on with monsieur garlic and kick some french ass, toodles


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