Saturday, 20 June 2009

It's been a while!

Hello out there to all of you SB! fans (yes all 2 of you), it has been an epically long time since I last post purely because the British government feel the need to exam the shit out of us, causining unnecessary amounts of both stress and boredom (and that's just revision).

Because of this, you have missed my rants on recent current events, but these will follow shortly (I promise)!

However I have got some new stuff in the works, so keep checking back for updates - I've got a mammoth amount of free time so I'll endeavour to post new posts on a daily basis.

I did, however, think of a good way to get the P4 universe back into action. I feel that "epic article number..." is growing very tedious now, so I have put great thinking into this and have come up with...

The P4 top 100 songs ever (I propose that each of us take 25 songs - 4 of us doing 25 songs gives us a nice round 100).

I think if we try to have this in action by Thursday if gives us five days to achieve this.

It's good to be back...
Lee :-D


  1. Some of us do have to work still y'know... :P

    Wouldn't this simply be each of our top 25's? Do we explain why we chose them etc?

  2. No I was thinking of going down the route of having 5 for each of the big 3 feelings, sad, happy, 'love' and then having a 'summertime' section (of songs that remind us that summer is here) and then the last five being awarded to our 'guilty pleasures'.

    Explain if you want, however extra credit will be awarded to those who add links to the songs!



Please feel free to comment, but I will unleash the wrath of Chuck Norris to any negativity.

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