Sunday, 11 October 2009

This is it... for now

As many of you will have noticed, I haven't posted anything for over a month now. This is not because of laziness or idleness but purely because I have had a very personal family bereavement.

I won't be naming the relation or how we were related, out of respect both for her and the family- the last thing they want is to stumble across this and find I've posted her name on such a public place.

Since then I have been trying to carry on as usual but after the bereavement and starting college, I've realised that I cannot possibly juggle work, college, and blogging as easily as I was able to before.

It is with a very heavy heart that I have decided not to continue posting on SB! (for the time being), I want you to understand the joy I have felt at being able to post my own views without fear of a backlash, the 'team building' articles (starting with Operation: Epic Article... and going all the way to simply four blogs of very differing opinions on the same thing).#

I do have such a passion for creative writing and I am really grateful to the blogger network for allowing ordinary people to steal the limelight from 'big-time' bloggers.

I'd also like to thank the other three members of The Phenomenal four for their support over the last 10 months (although more specifically the last month) Chris, Ross and Luke thank you so much guys you have no idea how much I really appreciate it!

It's not goodbye for ever, it's goodbye for now.

Thanks and take care,

Lee :-)

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